Monday, February 12, 2007

District Meeting Tonight - Were You There?

We had a district meeting tonight, and the best discussion I heard had to do with the vision that the participants have. Why are you involved? What gets you interested enough to get active? Is it a global issue? (We heard a little about global warming.) Is it national? (We heard folks talk about stopping the war and ways to get the members of Congress to listen to us.) Is it local? (We heard about issues relating to incinerators and dumps.) There are all kinds of reasons to get out and recruit willing helpers and convince people that your ideas are right. What are yours?

I didn't need to bring this up during the meeting since I can use this blog, but the thing that got me to be active in politics again was the Iraq war. The last time I was really participating was during the Vietnam era, and in the meantime I've been sidetracked by lots of other bits of life. There are things that strike you as so wrong you have to take action. Sometimes the action you're taking may not directly affect the outcome but is, at least, the thing you can do. Now that I'm active again, I can see that my efforts can pay off for lots of other issues that I feel strongly about but by themselves wouldn't have driven me into politics. I am a progressive and support progressive ideas like universal health care, a living wage, safe workplaces, support for diversity, and fair and open elections.

Now, you tell me - what pushes your buttons? What made you get up off the couch and go to the meeting tonight? What gets you out and knocking on your neighbors' doors? What matters to you?

1 comment:

Doug said...

When Bush stole the election in 2000, that got me off my duff for the next election cycle in 04. He was the bull in the china cabinet I expected he would be and even exceeded that. Up until that time I was an independent but voted Democratic. I decided realistically if I was going to get active, the Democrats were the only other game in town to appose the Repubs. I'm glad I joined because I’ve met some good like minded folks in the process and also am learning a lot about how the political system works.

Doug Arnold
LD 20 Treasurer