Thursday, May 26, 2011

LD20 Chair Responds to DiCiccio’s Union Bashing!

Sal DiCiccio (Phoenix Council member for District 6) just couldn’t resist jumping on the union-bashing bandwagon in his May 25 newsletter. CJ Briggle, Chairwoman of the LD20 Dems had this response to his latest rant.

Councilman DiCiccio:

Unions provide the ONLY workplace recourse from bullies like you. Your silver-toothed outlook on life leaves very little compassion for the working class. Thankfully, unions exist today to protect the worker and working families. When we eliminate the world of workforce abuse, that’s when we can discuss eliminating unions. Until then, THANKS, AFL-CIO, for being there for us. Thanks, BIG TIME.

Proud union member,
CJ Briggle

Monday, May 23, 2011

Not a Single Vote in Support of Public Education by LD20 Legislators

Arizona Education Network published its 2011 Legislative Session: Education Funding Voting Record by Legislator. The report shows McComish, Dial, and Robson voted EVERY TIME to take budget dollars away from public education in Arizona. Read the full report including the methodology and links to legislative summaries. Contact McComish, Dial, and Robson, and let them know that they will be held accountable for their attacks on education in Arizona!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Be a part of history! Help recall Russell Pearce!

Let's get out this weekend and next week to get PLENTY of signatures before the May 31 deadline. We know that Pearce and his cohorts will stop at nothing to invalidate every signature possible. Here's the schedule for Saturday, May 21 and Sunday, May 22. Meet at the Citizens for a Better Arizona office, 628 Center St., Mesa, Saturday at 10 am or 3 pm, Sunday at 1 pm or 4 pm. Don't wait to read about Pearce's demise in the news. Be a part of it!!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Schweikert’s statement on bin Laden fails to mention President Obama

David Schweikert released a statement today commending our armed forces in their effort to track down bin Laden, but he failed to mention President Obama! Maybe Schweikert does not know that President Obama is the Commander in Chief of those same armed forces. Maybe he’s not familiar with that section of our constitution, or he didn’t want to upset his tea party supporters, or maybe he just chose to be spiteful. In contrast, Senator McCain showed some class in his statement by commending the President and his team, as well as the military and intelligence professionals. From the beginning, President Obama said he would focus on al-Qaeda and finding bin Laden, and now we see the positive results of that focus. Schweikert’s pettiness cannot diminish the role that President Obama played in bringing the ten-year search for bin Laden to a successful conclusion.